Yoga Classes
This course will host all courses that include asana, pranayama and meditation
Core balance twists New
Hips and Twists
Low back, obliques, hips, heart opener
Hips, core, upper back3/27/24
Side bodies and balance
Hips and hips. Back strength and core
Stretchy slow with a touch of heat. Hips legs
Arms and core
Balance - toes - hamstrings - hips
Neck shoulders core
Core shoulders hips
Low back side bodies heart openers
Core. Wrists. Balance.
Obliques back core in general and shoulder strength
Hip flexors adductors abductors
Full body hips twists
Hips strength and stretch
Balance chest back hips
Balance. Toes.
Hip flexors
Low back
Low back
Hamstrings heart
Core balance hips
Hips, low back - 3/29/2024
Hip flexors, Sciatica, oblique, back leg
Upper back - chest openers - low back hip flexors
Side bodies - toes - extensors - back
Neck - chest - back - hip flexors
Manifestation-heart-sides-low back-sciatica
Low back-heart opening- hamstrings
Hips and heart
Spine- upper back- low back
Upper back-sciatica -neck- short yoga nidra
Hips - low back
Back and hips
Heart openers - hip flexors
Shoulders and hips and front leg with wall support
Groin low back
Grounding. Hips and back
Lots of arm strength in this one
Hips and a touch of heart
Heart hips front channel
Hips heart feet
Low back digestion hips and shoulders
Wrists hands hips
Digestion low back hips
Lateral aspects and mindfulness
Hops and back
Spine heat breath
Firey hip class
beginner- yoga nidra
Garden of colors
white room
Fire to dream
along a path
the external / the internal
Beginner Class
20 min illumination
beginner Yoga nidra- resource space and body awareness and grounding
Arms and shoulder focus
Hamstrings - glutes - low back
Adductors, balance,quads, back, core
Groin - core - hamstrings - quads - arms
Psoas shoulders pranayama
Full body slower vinyasa
Obliques-back -hips -triceps
Full body
Lateral- hips- core
Twists - hips
Heart openers shoulders hips
Full body have fun lots of shoulders core and hips per usual
Twists laterals shoulders
Hamstrings core
Twists balance core
More of a playful drill class ;)
Twists core legs
Hips and low back
Glutes core
Laterals obliques glutes
Heart openers twists
Core side stretches upper back
Core and triceps
Core triceps low back
Upper back shoulders
Neck shoulders hips fingers toes ankles
Spine - back body- hips
It band- side bodies touch of core strength
Spine - sacrum to thoracic
Upper back neck shoulders and hips
It band - toes- hips
Neck hips
Hips spine